StakeHolder Presentation 13/10

At the Stakeholder presentation, it was with my peers and tutors and I was the last one to present. At first I was very at ease and not nervous as this wasn’t going to be graded. However, I saw that everyone had done a YouTube Video kind of presentation. Never thought I would be the only one to just keep it simple with a PowerPoint presentation. I do know that I might need to step it up and try to experiment with a YouTube Video.

It did not help that my presentation video clip did not work and I realised why after that didn’t work.

I do keep myself positive during this time, try not to stress out as much about my final or even what I will be adding to the exhibition. Elizbeth has said to just not think about that just yet so I won’t be and I will be more focusing on my Instagram lives

Video Clip that is in the Presentation


The feedback from Elizabeth has been positive, I understood the What, How, Why, What if side of the project and I will be answering them in time. I guess it will help with understanding my project on a deeper level. I will be talking to Elizabeth again, as being out of class i do sometimes feel i’m not doing the same amount of work like i used to.

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