Online Digital Workshop Process

Identity of Pakistani Women

After a lot of thinking and going through a lot of ideas, I have finally thought to do an online workshop that can represent both the artists and non-Stereotypes profiles. After discussing this idea with Richie I got more excited to see if this workshop will work. I have created a full month plan, so I am hoping this will end mid/end of July.

Intervention plan, project brief for the artist and questionnaires for the artist to answer is all prepared so I seem to not be stressing right now.  Once I have gathered both groups up I can carry on with the next steps.

I feel as though this is a constantly changing with the feedback I am getting from different people. One of the artist that is part of the workshop has expressed that the deadline end of July is a bit too soon to create something. Taking that into mind I have extended the deadline to 10th of August. Just so it can be a bit easy on myself and the artists.

Sending all the details via email on 14th July. My workshop has officially started!!

With the Artist I have created a group chat on Instagram so it will be easy to contact me with any questions or worries.

As it has been a stressful few days, i am going to paint for the time being.

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