Invention with Auntie Nazia

Due to Corona virus and my mother falling quite ill, I had decided to come back to Birmingham till further notice. Now that I am back in Birmingham with the rest of my extended family indoors, I thought this would be the perfect time to seek out more information about Peer Saab in the family.… Continue reading Invention with Auntie Nazia

Categorised as Inventions

Mission Statement

I had thought about making a mission statement after my tutorial so I can be prepared for my interviews with stakeholders. Getting my words together was quite difficult, but I knew that making a mission statement would be good for me to get myself together. The feeling of being secured.  Richie did mention to make… Continue reading Mission Statement

Project Outline

For the last few weeks, I had been stuck with my project. I felt like I was thinking too much of the end piece instead of finding the research. The stake-holders that I had emailed had no response back or timing was not good for us. So I had thought to have a tutorial with… Continue reading Project Outline

Categorised as Inventions

Intervention with Mum Part 1

Name: Ghulam Hafeeza Age: 63 Place of Birth: Pakistan Currently Living: Birmingham As my project is based on Cultural and Traditional Rituals, I had learnt most of my rituals from my mom who has learnt from hers. Having a conversation with her as one of my main stakeholders will be most beneficial. Having a Conversation… Continue reading Intervention with Mum Part 1

Categorised as Inventions

One to one with Richie

Notes from meeting with Richie – 3rd March 2020 Graham – Communication via Sound is his Main sector Maybe he can help create a platform via sounds Check out his UAL STUDENT VOICES Design ahead of time – outline of how will you portray the interview? LOUIS THEORUX -YOUTUBE Giving people a overview of how… Continue reading One to one with Richie

Last Tutorial with Paul

I had my last tutorial with Paul and I think it went well. Some really good comments and advice that i had received from the rest of the class and Paul. I had thought about creating my own Instagram Page to make people aware of my platform/project. Thinking about my first intervention and how to… Continue reading Last Tutorial with Paul

Intervention At UAL

Location : CSM Library at POD A Time: 11:30 21st September 2019 After a lot of planning I finally had my first Invention. At the start there was quite a lot of the women canceling last minutes, to the point where there was only 3 other women coming to the workshop. I was a little… Continue reading Intervention At UAL

Categorised as Inventions


I have conduced a questionnaire to different originations such as Muslim Network Society, the Feminist, Brown People arts, Azeema Mag and many others. I got about 3 Respons back which were quite good  From Brown people arts I like one answer she gave,  What does rituals and traditions mean to you?  “Traditions contributes a sense of… Continue reading Questionnaire

Categorised as Inventions

Gaining Skills

I had first started with primary research which involved gathering information from books. I had come across a lot of different books that had mostly talked about health rituals and sacrifice. i knew that i needed to find both positive and negative side of Rituals. I had found a book that gave me the information… Continue reading Gaining Skills