
“Sufism is a religion of intense devotion; Love is its manifestation, poetry, music and dance are the instruments of its worship and attaining oneness with God is its ideal”

 Dr. Tara Chand,

Sufism is known as tasawwuf in the world of Arabic, this is known from its form of Islamic Mysticism that emphasises the spiritual closeness to God. Sufism begun in the 12th Century  and was the first social order for Islamic Civilization. Over time it has spread throughout the world, it improved elements of local culture and belief, making Sufism a popular practice in the 21st Century.

Sufism devotion is revealed in love for God, that is known in three ways, Poetry, Music and Dance. Their dance is well known form of meditation on a carpet, “ Pure People who Meditated on a Carpet”  

Sufism now is sometimes misunderstood as a branch of Islam. This has become clearer style of worship that directs its followers on the purification of the soul and the mystical nature of god. Followers seek this as a closer way to, spiritual learning towards God known as tariq.

A few main teaching from Sufism:

  • They believe that the only way to god is love and devotion.
  • They have great attachment towards ‘Peer Saab’ and ‘Murshid’
  • do not believe In the cast system
  • Believe in leading in simplicity of life
  • Fasting and praying is less important than their devotion towards god
  • They preach in Arabic, Urdu and Persian.
Sufi dance

I had an amazing chance to see this dance in Istanbul Turkey, called the Dervish Experience. During the performance I couldn’t take any pictures or videos. This was an formation that I never thought actually existed, I had never thought that the love and devotion towards God was performed this way. It was peaceful, calming and medicating, watching them swirl around bring you in a trance. I came out of this smiling with no worries.

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