Women Of the World 2020

On 8th March 2020 it was my 25th Birthday, along with International Women’s Day. On the day of my Birthday, I always try to explore London like a tourist and go to afternoon tea. While exploring always somehow end up in Southbank as it was a weekend and there is always something happening at Southbank. I was not disappointed, when I found a Festival in Southbank Centre called WOW – Women Of The World. This festival is about celebrating and helping women creatively together.

During 3 days they had Creative Stalls, Lectures and Workshop just celebrating women of Art. They were also celebrating 10 Years of WOW. They also had a global movement happening that involved 80 festivals around the world, including Istanbul, Karachi and Dhaka.

I had come across a Stall for Islamic Relief and had spoken to one of the women about my project. I had told her that Islamic Relief can be a great knowledge point for me and my project. She had become quit interested and wanted to know some more information, she had given me her email that I could contact her. After a few days I had contacted her via email and wrote my mission statement in the email. Along with a separate questions for them to answer for my research.

Email that has been sent:

Dear Madam 
I had saw your stand at Women Of The World Festival in London SouthBank Centre. I had spoken to one of the women at the stand who was explaining the amazing work for women. i had explained that my project is something that is related to this organisation and would like to gain some research from you. 
My name is Sidra Hussain, I am a British Muslim, originally from Birmingham. I am currently studying MA Applied Imagination at university of the art London.
My research question is, How Has Traditional and Religious Rituals Changed Over Generation? 

My research project is based on Traditional and Religious Rituals. I want to be able discover and create awareness of why rituals have changed over time. I have discovered that past generations believe in clergy (known as priest), who are known as advice givers on religion. However with times changing generations have begun Questioning Clergy men and their knowledge. I would like to understand why this change has happened now and what had occurred for everyone to question believes that generations before has blindly believe. Should we still believe in a clergy or shouldn’t? With my creative skills I want to be able to showcase, the journey of rituals changing through time and generations, answer these questions.

I am currently based in London, if you have a centre in London i would like to come in and have a informal discussion, however i have attached the questions in the email 

Looking forwards in hearing from you 

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