Project Outline

For the last few weeks, I had been stuck with my project. I felt like I was thinking too much of the end piece instead of finding the research. The stake-holders that I had emailed had no response back or timing was not good for us. So I had thought to have a tutorial with Richie, just to help me be back on track. I had decided that I would like to change the question of my project and try to see my research on a different preceptive.

Why has Traditional and Religious Rituals changed over generations?


After my meeting with Richie I have now decide to base my research on, Traditional and Religious rituals that have changed over time. I want to discover and create awareness of how Rituals have changed for you and your outlook on your Religion and Culture. How past generations seek advice from someone who has studied the Holy book, however present generations want to find the information for themselves then relying on a person. With my creative skills I want to be able to showcase, the journey of rituals changing through time and generations.

  • Answering questions through my this project like, – Why is it all changing now?

       Why has now Generation not believe in this person?

       What has changed over time?

       Has Rituals changed so much over time?

       Why is this Generation Questioning this person but past generations didn’t?


The reason why I am deciding to have this as my research, because of my own experience and personal view on rituals. This is by having two different parents view on importance of religion and culture. I want to be able to see what others opinions on Traditional and Religious, both positive and negative. I want to be able to answer questions like, Has time changed everyone believe on Religious rituals or has the people? Why is everyone questions what they have learnt from the past generation?

Creative options

  1. Documentary
  2. Images and sounds
  3. Interactive Art

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