IOPW – Episode 4 – Atiya Zaidi

After the workshop, I didn’t think I would carry on with more IGTV based on other Pakistani women that are not creative.

In my fourth episode I have had the honour to have a convocation with Atiya Zaidi, who is a screen writer and the first Pakistani women to eb selected for the Cannes Lion See It Be It Program. Atiya is currently part based in Pakistani and Canada. She had got in contact with through a post on TheOtherBox, Facebook group.

It was lovely of how she had introduced herself and told me that she was also recommended by a friend to come on to here. It did not take that long to set a date for the Instagram live, However I did have to take into consideration that she does travel a lot and the time differences.

The first Instagram live was set on the 23rd October 2020 around 2pm, it had lasted for about 30 minutes. The live went perfectly fine with about 50 views, most from her work place and the program she was a part of. After when the life had ended, there was an option to save it or share I had clicked the option to share which is what I usually do. However for some reason Instagram would not let me share the video, but it wouldn’t even let me save onto my phone. I had lost the first live video because it was blocked and deleted from Instagram due to some restrictions. I thought like this instructions were about the topics that we were talking about that he had included, Pakistani politics and Pakistan’s poverty. It was so stressful as I did not want to lose such an inspirational story. I had tried to get inContact with instgram so I can maybe somehow save the video onto my phone. It got deleted and I cried.

After a few days of thinking and talking to my family I had contacted with Atiya and spoke to her about the Instagram live and how it hadn’t been uploaded yet. I told her about the Instagram, its restrictions and the reasons why it got blocked and deleted so quickly. She was so thoughtful and kind, that she had said that she want to do it again but maybe on a different platform, so that I had decided to try on zoom and live record it.

After speaking to my sister, I have decided to use zoom as the backup platform, which wasn’t that hard to actually do. During the discussion she had showed me around her workplace and her office which was quite nice and more relaxed. The conversation had gone quite quick compared to the other Lives/IGTV, as she was on a time limit. However, every question was answered, and it was lovely hearing about her story again. The only thing I didn’t realise is that the recording was audio and not video, I thought to edit the audio on IMovie as that’s all the editing skills I have. The turnout wasn’t that bad as I thought

Atiya Zaid

Thank you for your prompt response. I am 41 years old mom of two full time working mom. I studied in London with my 9 month old baby while my husband was back home and have travelled to Afghanistan for work. I have been the first Pakistani woman to be selected for Cannes Lions See it be it program which is an accelerant for women in advertising and D&AD RARE and Pitch magazine Superwomen list. I am ECD BBDO Pakistan and co founder of Shero space that aims to find mentors for Pakistani women. Hope this helps. Let me know if I you need any further details. Cheers


Honestly with is this live I didn’t expect it to happen because after the workshop I didn’t get that many responses that I would like to have from Pakistani women. After she had got in contact with me I thought this is an opportunity that I’m not going to let go of. Her story overall is very inspiring and I related a lot with her. A that I remember her saying is that “Pakistani women are not considered as a role model, it’s our chance to be a role model to our younger generation of Pakistani women.” It kind of gave me a push towards having my platform as information about other role models that are Pakistani. Pakistani women who are not famous or super rich. Those who are content with the life that they have and she was one Pakistani he was very content and very happy with the life that she has created for herself.

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