End of online Workshop

On the Monday 10th August, my online work shop had come to an end. This workshop started on the idea of Identity of Creative Pakistani Women. I had a tutorial a couple of weeks back with Richie, as I was seemed to be stuck with what to do next and confused of where my project will lead.

Above is the attachment of my Mission Statement.

I had got 6 Women involved in the workshop , 3 stereotypical Profiles and 3 Artists. Each Profile had an Artist, I had become the middle person to engage between them that was quite stressful for me. There were overall 3 groups, we had Yasmin (Profile) and Myself, Farah (Profile) and Hira, Farzana and Yamna.

There was one artist who did not send anything and had told me on the day of her partner’s Live on Instagram that she could not send me anything. So then I had to paint something in Calligraphy so show her. That was quite Stressful and I did slightly panic but I thought to think quicky.

At the start I did not know the purpose of this workshop, or where it will lead to. However I started to resiled that there was more of a story for each team, that have worked together. In the 2nd episode of IOPW Hira the Artist has said that, she got to know how a life of a Pakistani women is like in the UK. She found it quite different that she got to know someone else without even meeting them.

So far, for every women I have different set of questions and intro for the IGTV. (that will be shown in a different post on each Women). To get everyone set time and to organise myself, I had used a website to help with them setting a time of the slots that I am free, which has worked quite well. Along with that I had created a intro of what I will say at the start of every episode.

Why I had decided to go for Instagram Live (IGTV) to conclude everything in the workshop, is because I wanted something different. The different I don’t know but I knew that I didn’t want a podcast or video call where would have to record. After seeing other artists on Instagram I had thought IGTV is the best way to get my project more known.

Identity of Pakistani Women series – IGTV
Screenshot of TimeTable website used

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