Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto, daughter of the east, an autobiography.

The autobiography was first published 20 years ago but it had been updated to cover her own story and how her country has changed.

The first Woman prime minister of a Muslim state. Ben is in Bootle had achieved the status of a royal princess both in Pakistan and around the world. Having received an international education she had come into politics after her father’s execution in 1979 and was first elected prime minister in 1988. This book has explained her life as a Pakistani woman, how she was imprisoned, how she had to grow up so quickly after her father’s death, to look after both her family and her fathers Legacy in politics.

Learning has she had to adapt in the western society to complete her international studies. Learning how she had to adapt to the change of her country because of 9/11. This Story shows an inspirational tale of strength dedication and courage to her Pakistan country.

After reading this book that I myself have felt even more prouder that they had been a first women prime minister of Pakistan who had so much struggles and had to maintain the spirit of freedom within the country. This story shows that women of Pakistan do you have an identity to be proud of.

A Deeply moving saga of love, drama and heroism

Sunday times

From this autobiography you can understand that her identity was based from her father how many legacy, her country, politics, Love and Family. Throughout the years her identities have been growing based on the events around her. Even though she had completed her studies internationally, she had still remembered her roots and teaching of Pakistan.

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