Mission statement x2

My research project is based on the Identity of Pakistani Women. I want to be able to discover and create awareness about how have Pakistani women been conveyed in the western society. Pakistani women are mostly known to be housewives, conservative and uneducated. However, with time changing Pakistani women are stepping up with using their intelligence in their productive field, educating themselves, standing strong against abusive men, voicing their opinions and thoughts. nevertheless, in the creative field Pakistani women are still being told this isn’t an ideal job in the eyes of society. With my creative skills I want to be able to showcase, the identify the creative teaching of Pakistani women, bringing different Pakistani Artist from different creative fields together.

After the mock presentation, I felt like my questions and research somehow don’t match together. My research seemed to be heading into the religious point of view then the cultural side. So I had a tutorial with Richard that reminded me about Project ‘The Change I Want to see’. This project made me think about my original question and subject matter, which made me realise how deep I went into my research in the religious point of view.  

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