Islamic Rituals

Islamic Rituals

Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca – 1 of the five pillars – 6 day journey.

  • Must Purify Yourself, No swearing, Sexual Thoughts, Smoking, Shave, Clips your nails, Fighting and Arguments.
  • Must Avoid Scented Products, Makeup, Perfumes,
  • Animal sacrifice
  • Stoning the devil 3 times
  • Shaving of the head (Men) cutting the ends of hair (Women)
  • Tawaf x7 around the Kaaba
  • Praying Everyday 5times while on Hajj

Eid-al-fitr  Festival of breaking Fast – End of Ramadan

  • 3 day celebrations
  • Attend a Communal Pray
  • Give Zakat (Charity) Usually food is given instead of Money  
  • Family Gathering
  • Dinner
  • Give a little money to younger family members that have fast for the first time

Eid al -Adha – Sacrifice of an animal

  • 3 day Celebration
  • The animal that is sacrificed is always in 3 parts, 1 given to your own family, other to relatives or neighbours and the 3rd to the poor and needy.
  • Dressed in your Finest Clothing to Attend a Communal Pray.

Prophets birthday – Mawlid el Nabi

  • Started in 11th Century
  • There is no record of this in Saudi
  • All Mosques, Markets and homes are covered In Colourful Lights
  • Islamic Festivals happen around parks
  • A pray is given
  • Food is given to the needy as well

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