
After reflecting from my tutorial with Elizabeth, I had made a to do list of what I need to do next that can help me with my research. Elizabeth had recommend to try and create a timeline of 3 generations, Grandmother, Mom and myself. 1 side would have the key year date of my family and the opposite side would have key dates that would have happened in the world at the time. TimeLine was one of the things I had to figure out, as it was quite difficult for me to find all the dates, but with the help of my mom and aunt we figured it out. The events that I have include in with my family is, Birth, Marriages, Education, Moving out of the Country. The other events that I have included is, War’s, Technology, Google, Art Movements, Pakistan History.

I had thought first let’s try to draw this on paper, however I didn’t have any paper in the house and couldn’t even get out to buy some. So I had decided to draw on the other side of Wallpaper, this came out a little messy but was a good outlook to see the events that had taken place in the same year. Especially I had notice that in 2006 which was a difficult year for myself and my family, 4 events had taken place in that same year which was something I had never thought about and my sisters were unaware that it all happened in the same year.

Draft Version

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