Opinion on Peer Saab

After conducting the survey before, I had decided to just send a couple of questions to some of my more religious friends and family on whats app. The questions I had asked were really thought out and checked by my sister, as I did not want my questions to cause any hurt. I had sent the questions to quite a few friends and family, however only 3 responded back.  The response that they gave I can still work with, as I can see in their answers they were truthful and thought-out.

Questions Via Whats app


Haseenah response to the questions, were quite similar to what I got from other friends and family. Her opinion on peer saab is based from her own experiences, her family and past generations do believe but she does not. As like others she thinks that some peer saabs do cheat and only there for financial gain “Pay for Pray”.


Zohaib here believes that a Peer Saab is like a religious friend that you look up to when you seek Islamic advice. In Answer 6, I stand by this where Pakistan is has more passion and faith for Peer Saab. “ Humans make Errors” Peer Saab are still human and can make mistakes it all depend on how much you trust them to see the mistakes. There are a few who doesn’t really believe in them but would take the advice of a Peer Saab if it makes sense to them.

Aunt Munzia

I had thought to ask my aunt, as I remembered that she had a negative experiences with one so I was careful in with the questions I had asked her. I didn’t think I would get a lot of information from her, but the answers that she gave made a lot more sense to me of why past generations believe in Peer Saab so much. I understand of why there are Shrine of decreased peer saabs in Pakistan, people still go to ask for their wishes to be answered. My aunt has I feel moved with time and questioned Peer Saab motive. She Respect them but doesn’t believe she needs to go and ask them to pray on her behalf. “For Some Peer it’s easy money Scandal”  The fact that my aunt has witness this in both Uk and Pakistan make me think it’s better to not believe in them.

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