Willesden Green Library

Deciding to Combine with Willesden Green library, is something that I found difficult doing because of Covid and the lack of communication between emails. Once the library had open but I had a few emails come back and forth about, me doing a Instagram Takeover, getting more involved with the culture aspect of the library. The reason why I thought to connect with a local Library to me, as from past experiences as a child are used to go to the library for activities and seeing exhibitions from that I thought this is a good opportunity to get my work out there with in the community.

I have been communicated with Nadia, who is the cultural coordinator of the library. We had a few emails back-and-forth at the start of the first lockdown but then I had lost in contact by email. . So I had thought to get in contact again but of course Covid – second lockdown has now happened and it has now become quite difficult to be in contact with the community library when it is closed.

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