Show your work – Austin Kelon

Show your work, this is 10 ways to share your creativity and to get discovered.

You don’t have to be a genius. Thank process, not product. Share something small every day. Open up your cabinet of curiosities. Tell good stories. Teach what you know. Don’t turn into a human spam. Learn to take a punch. Sell-out. Stick around.

I had bought this book in the year when I had a creative block and I wasn’t doing anything in my life. Even though I know I had to show some books, that I have been reading based on my research question, I thought to also show the books that have given me inspiration. There are two different books one is called show your work and the other is called do you like an artist. I have more related to show your work because of the diagrams and the creative quotes inside the book. This book has also taught me that it’s okay to have a creative block and to take some time out for yourself.

Find your voice, shout it from the rooftops, and keep doing it until the people that are looking for you find you.

Dan Harmon

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