IOPW – Episode 1 – Yasmin

The first episode on the IGTV was Yasmin, a Pakistani artist based in Glasgow. How I had got in contact with her was through, TheOtherBox on Facebook. This is Facebook community that brings all different creatives and non-creatives together, either to promote their work or to find jobs. After writing up a post on their facebook page I had got a lot of responses from different women. Yasmin had wanted to be part, to share her story from London to Glasgow. I had many phone call conversation to get to know her more.

She was organically partner up with Noor, who is an artist based in Pakistan. However due to her educational commitments, she could not deliver the artwork on time and had told me this on the day of the workshop deadline. This is where I had to create something very quick based on Yasmin.

See below Profile Information

Hi I’m Yasmine and live in Glasgow. I have always been artistic since I was at school. I studied BA Community Arts at Strathclyde in 1993-1996 and then trained as an art teacher in London 2002. I didn’t stay in teaching long but realised that my passion was more community work. I have done a lot of things charity work etc. I signed on for a while and had been applying for varied jobs and decided November 2017 to try set up my business with PeoplePlus who partner with the job centre. I worked on my business plan to do encaustic art and become a sole trader hence I started in January 2018. I have been doing encaustic art for over 20 years but never been self- employed. It’s been a learning process.

Encaustic is a Greek word meaning ‘to heat or burn’ (enkaustikos). It involves using molten beeswax melted onto a hot iron to create different textures and effects. I make encaustic art pictures, cards have done some Markets and facilitate workshops.


Seeing the Art work

So the artist that was paired up with Yasmin, had backed out on the day of Yasmin’s Instagram live. I then had to think of a plan b in that stressful moment. I had also explained Yasmin about the situation and she was very thoughtful about the situation I was put in.

The Plan-B was I create an art piece based on Yasmin, with my chosen medium. I had decided to create with Calligraphy and painting with watercolours. Why I had chosen Calligraphy, is because I had thought this is the best way to describe myself and the profile.


The word Hope, can mean a lot to different people. Hope be from a person, object, adventure and nature. The reason why I had chosen this word for Yasmin, because thoroughly reading through her story, I had sensed she is the hope to her family. She seems to have a lot of love for her family. Moving from London back to Glasgow for her family seemed to do her great now but at the start it didn’t. I think the word Hope does describe her, and her sacrifice  she made for her family.


As this was my first Instagram Live, I was super nervous throughout everything. I was scared I wasn’t asking the correct questions or I was even getting too personal with the questions. I needed to find a balance between which is quite difficult to find. I am glad that I had a mission statement to say and a set of different questions to ask. With Yasmin, I think it went quite well with each question I had asked. She is a very understanding person when it comes to social media and art work. I have kept in contact with her so far and will do as she’s supportive in watching the rest of Instagram lives.

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