Sharing my Story On IG

As I am still communicating with a lot of artist some have expressed that they would like to know my story via my page on Instagram. This will make them feel a bit more comfortable with sharing their own story on my page.

I do feel like I should somehow build up the confidence to share my creative story. I have taken a week of from my job to get myself together as it’s been quite stressful with my mom here too. Some Selfcare, mindfulness and painting is in need.

Instagram Link

Monday 20th July – 4pm

After a lot of thought about the Instagram live, I have now decided to go ahead with first sharing my story, myself and my art. I have sent out a post asking if anyone has any questions for me to answer during my Instagram live. I have then found a way to save that live into a IGTV, so after others can also watch.

The Questions:

how you get this idea of speaking for Pakistani women?

About your journey in UK being a Pakistani woman?

How has your Background/Identity shaped your art?

What would be your dream Art project?

What do you love about your artwork?

Do you get creative blocks? If so, How do you deal with it?

In the art/creative industry who inspires you the most?

When did you know you was amazing at art?

What is your inspiration?

What has inspired your creativity?  

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