
  1. What is the Latest version of you question? Articulate what you are still trying to investigate?

How can art be used as a medium to Convey the Identity of Creative Pakistani Women?

I am investigating the stereotypes of Pakistani Creative Women in the west an in our communities. Why having art as a career and being a Pakistani so difficult?

The change i want to see is people learning and sharing the new Identity of Creative Pakistani Women. Change that being an artist can be beneficial too

2. How has theory or secondary research continued to support your assertion of area of interest?

I have started to read a lot of Pakistani books, about the life of a Pakistani women, The Diary of a Hounslow Girl by Ammren Razia. Benazir Bhutto Daughter of the East- an Autobiography.

Along with a Publication on Dismantling The Stereotypes Of Islam, Arab and Muslim Women in the visual and print media of the western world by Tsuroyya Amz.

I have read through a few websites that have helped with my research:

3. Give an outline of feedback you have received from your most recent action research interaction/intervention?

The most recent intervention is a digital workshop for exploring the creative identity of Pakistani Women which is still on going.

The focus of this Digital workshop is to explore the vast identities of Pakistani women. The aim of this project is to use art as a way to challenge and confront the stereotypical views of women in our communities. Pakistani women are often portrayed as solely being traditional, submissive, passive, 3childbearing and uneducated. These stereotypes have contributed in women not furthering their education as well as their careers. This worship will consist of two groups, the first group will have five artists and the second will consist of five profiled stereotypes. Each artist and each profiled will be interviewed and will then be paired together. Therefore, I will assign one artist to one profile, the artist will then need to create a piece of art using a medium of the artists choice. The artist will be given two weeks to complete the piece of art. The work created by artists will be used to identify both the artist (if you want to be publicised) and profiled stereotypes. Through this opportunity you will be able to connect and represent the Pakistani community and showcase the vast talent Pakistani women possess. By being a part of this project, we can collectively challenge the stereotypes within the Pakistani and our Western communities.

Evaluating this workshop will be conducting a series of instagram lives with each artist and profile.

The most feedback I have received is off different platforms and artist. I had posted  about my project on a Facebook page, called The Other Box. I had overall got a lot of responses Via my Instagram page. A lot of women wanted to get involved more into the workshop.

I had got in contact with Post-grad Community to share my artwork during the pandemic and my project which i got a few feedback from past Pakistani artist that studied at CSM.

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