Unit 3 Tutorial With Richie

I had booked in a tutorial with Richie to get an overview of unit 3 and to see whether I am on the right understanding of unit 3. It lovely to have a conversation with Richie, to do with the work as I feel less worried about the stuff I am doing is worth it or to even know I am on the right track. Besides the work he always asks how life outside the university work is going.

We spoke about the grade of unit 3, he had reassured me that grade was good. Got a lot of positive feedback. We had gone through the overview of my question so far, along with the learning log and Padlet. I had expressed that with the learning log I wasn’t seeing my journey, he was also worried about the same thing, however seeing the older posts there is some type of journey happening.

I got some feedback on the work I have done so far, with some notes.

To provide a platform for people to not be judgemental

what is missing is the focus

for people to express themselves

what you want people to understand to what others don’t know about Pakistani women

find people that break the stenotypes

Book – Blink Version on library –

Much more different from the range of art I am using

Be a lot more experiment within with the field of art, get inspired by other artist and the medium that they use.

Focus on finding 5 women

1 group to convert and translate to convey the other Pakistani profiles with art

1 group is based on profile stenotypes

We would like to them to reinterpie the skills/ they have to profile the women who are breaking stenotypes

Identifying peoples stories protecting their names and then think of way to get artist to reinterpie to use their art to give an understanding of their profiles

Identity the stories

Task force of artist to use as

As a work shop online To give other artist talk with them reponslity

My role is to challenge the role of the artist

The artist are the external part of unit 3.

Next Action – find other Pakistani women who are breaking stenotypes just 5

Time line for the artist (so they and yourself can get idea of the time you have)   

Couple of week another catch up with Richie, by then to have 5 women from the artist group.

email brief of what I’m asking the artist to do, keep it simple, make sure they know what they getting out of it, guideline,

To Do Next:

  • Finding 5 women -1 group to convert and translate to convey the other Pakistani profiles with art – 1 group is based on profile stenotypes
  • Email Richie a Brief statement of what you are asking the artist to do, Simple and short, make it clear of what they are signing up for.

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