Shades of Noir – Safe Space Crit with Sami Malik

Shades of Noir had replied back to an I had sent expressing their thoughts and giving me suggestions of what I can do next with them. They had told me about a Safe Space they have in UAL for students to explore their ideas with artist from the outside.

I thought to book myself a slot with Samia Malik, who is an artist and UAL alumni from East London.  The conversation was pretty amazing to be talking with another Pakistani. We had introduced ourselves and our form of art work. I had explained my project to her and she was pretty intrigue by my idea and question. She started asking questions more about the WHY factor than anything else, which made me answer in more depth of a personal reasons.

She had given me a few notes, Different artist that I can contact and a few links to look upon for inspiration.

Pakistani Artist

Rehana Zamen -British Born

Naira – Pakistani born

Alia Patun

Email from Salima

Hi Sidra, 

Some links that might be helpful:

More Pakistani artists: 

–       Shaheen Merali

–       Rasheed Araeen


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