Reflection on the beginning of Unit 3

Question your Immorality – Tupac Matire

For the last 2 weeks I have been out of my element in focusing on my university work. Its been quite stress events that moved me away from my work in general. My sister had to move out of our home in London, we had to find a new place to live in 1 week. Along with my mom falling extremely ill where was admitted into hospital. It was quite stressful. I had to miss 2 classes and the briefing of unit3.

However I still tried to keep up to date with the changing from unit 2 to 3. Thankfully I had found the recording of the class on the 2nd June 2020 and made notes from the class. I had a brief idea of what I need to know about unit3, along with what I needed to do next. I did feel as though I did miss quite a bit from the classes.

I realised that the making of interventions process needs to be started. Now this the time to create a series of intervention that is based online, to show my experiments of the change I wanted to see or the change the change I don’t want to see.

I work better with To Do List as its visually in front of me, Clear my mind of the work I need to do in the next coming days.  

To do List:

  • Do to a project overview
  • Create a time sheet or get a diary (whatever works best for you)
  • Book Tutorials with Richie or Elizbeth via Email
  • Create a Mind map of the interventions you see happening (instagram Live/Workshops)
  • Go through the learning outcomes to get a better understanding.
  • Add on Padlet – you next inventions – Next action to deliver the change = Results in the change (if stuck think about the kind of change.

my own project overview

Theme/ Field: Culture, Identities, Creative, Pakistani Women, Cross – Generation,

Question: How can Art be used as a Medium to Covey the Identity of Pakistani Women?  

Intervention: Workshops with artist from Pakistani culture, Instagram Live with artists, Support Group.

New Knowledge Change: a Platform for People to learning and sharing the new identity of Creative Pakistani Women

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