1-1 with Kerri Jefferis

I had seen an email about unappreciated artist and to get in contact with Kerri Jefferis. So I had thought this might be beneficial to get someone else opinion about my final project. Explain everything from the start to now, all the difficult and positive outcome as well.

After sending all the details of what I have done so far, Instagram Page, Finding other Pakistani Artist in UAL, It was honestly lovely speaking to Kerri, it wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. She understood what I was try to achieve with my project, how much I was getting nervous that I was not achieving enough.

At the end she sent a lot of notes with, what other platforms I can get in contact with and some good information that I can work with.

“Looking at the (western) representation of women artists of Pakistani heritage at UAL” This made me think and question weather there is a Pakistani Heritage at UAL?

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