Questions for Artist

  1. Name and Profession?
  • What medium is your art work?
  • When did you start building your Creative Career?
  • Did you experience any positive Impact from Society?
  • Did you experience any negative impact from Society?
  • If yes, what have you learnt from the negatively?
  • From the start of you creative career to now have you noticed

 any changes?

  • Was it difficult to be creative in the current society as a Pakistani women?
  • What advice would you give for anyone starting their creative career now?

I feel as though this was a good way to gather data from different Pakistani artist around the world. I have used questionnaires and Survey before which is why I decided to use this form of research method again. 4 out of 8 have replied back with information that I can use dearly. I can see that some artist have not struggled with their families to do with their creative career because of the where they have been brought up.

One artist has said that she didn’t struggle as much because of the environment she has been brought up in, however another has said she did struggle because her family thought about sociality.  

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