2/4/2020 – Tutorial with Elizabeth

An Experiment is not a experiment if you know what your final outcome will be


Next Research Steps

Time line – 3 Generations :  grandmother, Mom and me

  • Map of Powerful Women – Female Line
  • Add in a couple of Traditions – That have changed over time, Religious or non-e.g. Eid
  • Pakistan Film History
  • Birth, Marriages, Movements, India/Pakistan, Education, Jobs, Technology, movement of creativeness, Locations
  • Year to Year bases
  • Add the key events that happed during that year.
  • See the Changes happening

Mind Map of Research

  • Create a mind map of all the research that you have created so far
  • All of it to date
  • See a better understanding of it when it’s in front of you

Project outline

  • Where does will this lead to?
  • What do you think this will do for you now?
  • Where do you this going now
  • Try to get a clear view of you next step?

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