Outcome of Survey

Outcome of Survey

After a few days had past for the survey around 27 people participated, so I was happy with the outcome. The people that participated in the Survey are from different cultures and Religions, Such as Muslim, Christianity and a few were more Spiritual then religious.  

I had decided to create a graph and charts to explain the outcome of the questions better and clear. I feel as though I got a clearer view on the questions that I have asked. I did find some of the answers quite straightforward as I already knew the answer but I wanted it to be more in-depth. One of the answers that had kept coming up was the “lack of education” in past generations, I really did not like the answer I thought yes there is an education differences that is only based on the technology and sciences. I have still kept an open mind to the answers that I have got.

The keys words that I will focus on are:

  • Freedom of questions
  • Sciences and Education
  • Scared to speak out
  • Religion has been more forced in the Western Culture
  • Because of Abuse and More Financial gain

I feel as though this survey was a good idea to conduct, to gather and understands everyone’s point of view on the subject at hand. From each invention that I have created has given me something to new next to do and the information that I need for my research.

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