Intervention At UAL

Location : CSM Library at POD A

Time: 11:30 21st September 2019

After a lot of planning I finally had my first Invention. At the start there was quite a lot of the women canceling last minutes, to the point where there was only 3 other women coming to the workshop. I was a little upset about that amount but then I thought lets just see what I can happen with only 3 women. To make myself more organised as possible I had created a Plan, Speech and Feedback Form so i can keep on schedule.

The 3 girls were from different cultures, Islamic, Hindu and Native American. Even though it was small group I had enjoyed communicating with them and their intake on Traditional Rituals. In the end i had asked them to fill out a Feedback form to see what they had gained.

After the first invention,  I had learnt ways of communicating within a big group as the girls had notice I was a little nervous. My voice was shaking mostly which didn’t help. I had realised what else needed to be done to further my research. My Confidence has always been an big issue in my communication within groups which needs to be sorted. My next step will be getting in contact with more stakeholders and more primary research  

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